Covington Consulting Services​

environmental Consulting solutions

  • I-10 Mobile River Bridge, EIS, Mobile and Baldwin Counties, Alabama

   Alabama Department of Transportation

Environmental lead and principal author on this $850 million project to provide additional vehicle capacity across the Mobile River in the vicinity of the existing I-10 Wallace Tunnels and to widen the elevated bridges across Mobile Bay. Alternatives were evaluated ranging from multiple new location crossings of the Mobile River and Mobile Bay to design alternatives including tunnels, movable bridges and high air draft clearance, fixed bridges. Through an extensive coordination effort and detailed evaluation of potential maritime economic impacts, the DEIS carried forward four alternatives involving cable-stayed bridges with 215 feet of air draft clearance. Environmental concerns ranged from protected species issues to detailed coordination with resource agencies, Consulting Parties and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation on view shed impacts to historic properties. The DEIS was reviewed at FHWA Headquarters for legal sufficiency and Section 106 compliance. The DEIS was approved in 2014. Project information is located at

  • US 30 from Fulton to Rock Falls, EIS, Whiteside County, Illinois

   Illinois Department of Transportation

Environmental lead on this $70 million project involving multiple new location alternatives across a 25 mile study area; the DEIS was completed in 2012. Following the DEIS, the project was shifted to avoid newly designated floodplain impacts and a Supplemental DEIS was completed in 2014. The project involved extensive public involvement, CAG, and PSG coordination following IDOT’s CSS process and the BDE manual. Project information is located at                                                                                                                                                     

  • SR 87, EA/FONSI, Santa Rosa County, Florida

   Florida Department of Transportation

Environmental lead on this 21 mile project to provide safety, capacity, and evacuation route improvements to SR 87 from north of the City of Milton to the Alabama State Line; the project was processed through the ETDM process beginning at the EST and progressing through the Programming Summary Report.   SR 87 improvements were designed to meet FDOT SHS requirements and all NEPA documentation conformed to FDOT’s PD&E Manual. Environmental concerns associated with this $170 million project included aquatic resources at Clear Creek, Big Coldwater Creek, and Manning Creek, along with designated Prime Farmland impacts associated with 331 acres of right of way acquisition, and concerns from rural communities related to potential new location bypass alternatives.    

Our staff has managed NEPA corridor study projects ranging from large scale EIS projects in multiple states to completing CE documents for local improvements and personally hold the qualifications necessary to meet many of the NEPA pre-qualification requirements to perform work in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Illinois.     

Representative NEPA Studies